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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Caste & Racism Alive all over

How a child by birth may be discriminated? The child has not selected his mother or father ! Its a natural phenomena. But now in this era of modernization and computerization talking high about achievement towards exploration of moon and mars, the poor and petty victims do not have any solution for them. They have been denied opportunity only by their birth. But there is a dramatic change in some parts of the world.

You can say a change of upside down.

Yes. About 50 years before, the tribal uneducated people were considered untouchable. They have even been denied access to cremation grounds and temples of worship.

Now scheduled caste, backward classes and scheduled tribes have opportunities open in every walk of life. Whether he goes for education, employment or selection in any rank or file, may be a politician, a president and what not. Everywhere he has been welcomed and given placement. Of course this change is really a welcome sign and no body can find fault at it. The tribal should have the opportunity for education. He should come up in life like other people in the world.

But all these achievements have been at the cost of making the other people of forward community to be the victims. Now because of their birth they have been put in the back seat of everywhere.

Nothing has changed.

Only living styles and status have changed. But not the mind ! There is no passion towards his co-citizen.

Now the real situation is the people of o.c.(other communities) are slowly trying to change themselves in to
backward and most backward communities legally and illegally.


About Me

A freelance blogger and webmaster, has written blogs and websites on personal care, textile processing, enivronment, etc.